DJ crew Anthology of Booty of Washington DC creates a unique and welcoming social space for the Bashment. The music will inspire you to resist the negative forces of misogyny, whorephobia, transphobia and xenophobia by dancing, community-building, kickin’ it, and enjoying art with an emphasis on inclusion and respect. Begins 2 am Jul 22 – CET/Europe, 8 pm Jul 21 – EST/US, 5 pm Jul 21 – Pacific US, 2 pm Jul 21 – Hawaii, 10 am July 22 – Aus/Brisbane.
Bridging the gap between sex work and other forms of labor and human rights issues, our aim is to raise awareness and give support to sex workers and other freelance artists/laborers being left out of financial plans from local government.
‘Who’s Allowed To Make Money?’ when government and policy only recognizes some workers and not all, vulnerable workers are left without rights, protections, and supports. Restricting sex workers to the margins, outside of what is considered “real work,” prevents us from participating in labor struggles, as well as limits our access to the protections guaranteed to other workers. Because of current regulatory and conceptual frameworks of sex work as “not real work” our profession has unnecessary impacts on our legal status, health, housing and food security, and our families.
To raise awareness of these issues The BSWC invites you to help us raise $43,000 which will directly support US based sex workers and freelancers who are being impacted by COVID-19, and who have been excluded from accessing other supports intended for workers.
Artists and performers across Australia, Canada, Europe and the US will take part in this groundbreaking, one-of-a-kind, non-stop party and education fest. Experience DJs, burlesque showcases, workshops, symposiums, film screenings, poetry readings and other forms of engagement in streams that can be seen at different hours across continents.
It’s a one-day only, 22 hour event that you don’t want to miss! Sign up to attend each performance separately, your ticket is for the performance of your choice. Each ticket includes information on how to access your event. Check back here for the schedule as it is updated, and don’t forget to purchase a T-shirt to support the event and the BSWC! We have lots of other ways to support on our website as well, so check in there at www.TheBSWC.org